>>2156403So far my only fruiting Eggplant... apparently it is the green knight variety...
You see, i planted white knight, green knight, and black beauty eggplants in a incubator. I would take the extra seedlings that i could safely separate to thin them, and plant them in random pots. I lost track of what variety of runts i planted where, so its a crapshoot as to what they are 'till they fruit. this one, i remember was a runt, and i planted it in a hanging clay pot, as mostly to see what it would do. well, it is a very healthy and robust plant. aphid survivor, neem oil sorted that out right quick. only gets morning sun and partial evening sun... but is thriving.
thats why its my pride and joy.
also, anyone know when its right to harvest green eggplant? he's getting bretty big lads...