>>1933356heres Dan's channel
https://www.youtube.com/user/Galidain and here's jeff's latest video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p30e5cawmcsProspecting involves searching river gravels for "placer" gold, or for hard rock deposits usually hosted in quartz veins. I dont do this as a hobby, its my summer work. You can do all sorts of different things to find gold in streams, panning is the easiest but also the most time consuming and will net you little reward. I suggest sniping in bedrock for new comers, ie checking bedrock cracks for packed in gravels to pan. Gold is heavy and doesnt like to move, it wants to sit and wait. Look for where water looses force, gold will be waiting there. You can also "creek crawl" for course gold too, but its far more challenging.