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just accept that if someone really wants to kill you while you're out, you will probably die
when i first camped i was scared as hell to spend a night in the woods by myself, however, after i had camped plenty I wasn't scared anymore
work yourelf up to it, and yeah, things can still be creepy, but fuck it man. who goes out to rob and assault campers keep in the woods? people that want camping gear or silent murderers. they'll get better loot back in civilization
keep a knife and good headlamp by your side or something
during my first solo i had this insane stick with the gnarliest knob that had a few sharp ass broken stick things sticking off. it was incredibly solid
i mentally prepared myself for a melee battle with a bear that I would probably lose, and welcomed the oppourtunity to show the coyotes i heard at night, and who actually came pretty close one night, who the fuckin boss is
you can beat this fear m8. and i'm a wee lad compared to you