>>2777442>white, black, and pink in lines,Great start
>>2777442>Drifting from I gather is casting a jig and letting it bounce back down the river?Drifting refers to dead drifting. You hang something under a bobber and let the current take it.
>>2777442>Do I need a steelhead specific rodNo
>>2777442>Great Lakes tributary which is different than out westYes, these are lake run rainbows
>>2777442>$50 or less for the rod. For the reel I was going to pickup a sienna 2500. I figure I could use the setup for other things like throwing plugs for walleye off piers.Ugly stik gx2, 7 foot medium light. 20lb high vis powerpro mainline, 14 pound mono leader is what I run.
>>2777442>I’ve been looking for a setup to throw bigger baits, I think the steelhead setup might work well for that?The 9 foot ugly stick spinning rod is an option, I was making 130+ foot casts with a 1 oz kastmaster with one oi f those, a 4000 size reel, and 30lb braid. A little long and heavy for walleye but itd still work.
>pic related, picked a smallie off the edge of the break wall with the same 7 foot medium light ugly stik I'm recommending to you