>>1096325>>1096339>>1096348>get job at outdoor ed guiding company this past summer>coworker is the cutest fucking outdoorsy girl I've ever met in my life>start flirting with one another like crazy while out on expedition>get to know her really well while out on 5+ hour long drives through the desert>can't do a goddamn thing about it since we're supervising troubled teenagers in the backcountry 24/7>trip ends>both of us have contracts and lives on the other side of the country>talk to one of my other friends who works at the company>she told her in confidence that she's crazy about me and really fucking upset that I have to move so far away>still in loose contact with her>hopefully transferring out to that region to finish up school and work in that area full time>I'm in Boston for at least another year>She lives in fucking Provo UTOne day you guys... one day...