Quoted By:
>late autumn, few years back
>buddy and I up in northside lower peninsula MI
>evening, late enough that it's dark out
>neither of us are /out/ists whatsoever or very familiar with the area
>stop off the side of the road to piss and stretch, decide we want to rest awhile
>sit on a log and crack open a bag of baby carrots like the cityboi faggots we are
>while talking somehow get the bright idea that we should walk innawoods to get nighttime immersion in a deep woodland and we both carry so w/e
>as we're walking in, pass through very dense cluster of Quaking Aspen trees, you have to weave your shoulders through the fucking things
>pic related
>come to a long slope with a somewhat gentle downward grade, but noticeable in the fuzz of the pale moonlight
>extremely dense cover ahead about 40ft is a looming oblivion of darkness
>buddy gets out his phone to turn on the light and check what's in front of us
>not really much except some foliage on the ground and a deafening silence
>out of nowhere there's a loud noise
>the noise is so loud it feels like it's coming from inside my own ears/head, like my eardrum is twitching
>the pacing of the sound is like a boulder is bouncing nearby; being picked back up and replayed
>after a few times, ask friend if he hears that
>pretends he doesn't
>we stand there a solid 10s listening, flashing the light around, before friend just nopes
>never seen a 380lb+ man move faster in my fucking life, especially through the tangle of trees we'd crossed earlier
>get back in the car and gtfo
>hardly ever talk about it again
Never found an explanation. This was somewhere within 20 miles of Mio, MI for those interested.
This wasn't something being dropped nearby (like fruits, acorns, or some shit). We've tried rationalizing that it was some kind of nearby oil drilling or mining operation. But we know what we heard -- that shit was right next to us, not out innawoods somewhere.