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Ultralight is just a Jewish con to get you to enjoy globalist made cheap Chinese crap and skirt through the woods as quickly as possible without losing weight.
Real men carry at least 20 pounds of redundant gear encase their first set goes down or gets lost.
If it isn't heavy, it isn't good.
You should at least have a cast iron pan. The bigger the better.
What is it exactly you intend to do in the woods? Just sit around with your fannypack worth of Chinkie-thin plastic?
What do you do when you go hunting? Bring a 'sporting rifle'? How will you get all that meat back to camp with a fannypack?
Realistically, what is it ultralight hikers do in the woods?
You go for a walk as quickly as possible while not enjoying the scenery or developing any muscle mass from the exertion?
A pair of pliers too heavy?
Multitools and trench shovels? Hatchets?
What do you do for soap?
The most disgusting thing you can ever find in the woods is an ultralight hiker.
Prove me wrong