>>841484nobodies advocating taking a full lumberjack suite of tools backpacking. froe was only mentioned cause this is a baton bait thread, and froes are in fact used to baton. personally i like a hatchet and small knife. firewood processing isnt even why i have the hatchet. its just a nice tool to have. good shelter construction, cleaning up camp area. just making stuff. i'd be happy even using my edc folder instead of my fixed blade if i was concerned about space and/or weight. a hatchet might be too heavy or bulky and a lot of people will go with small knife + small folding saw. saw is still really useful for the building of stuff and cleaning up brush brush or trails. i dont think any tools are really needed as far as firewood processing goes while camping, with the exception of winter camping where it is a bit more critical to have a fire and lots of good wood. like
>>837900said, just grabb some dead branches. no need to be a lumberjack innawoods camping.