>>1691579>locationPic related.
>radiusWhatever, wherever.
>interestsCampin' (especially long term), hikin', fishin', shootin', learnin' about the biology/flora/fauna/geology, wild edibles.
>experienceAll of that shit I just said and misc besides.
>trips you want to tell aboutI've been everywhere (in the continental USA) man.
>special skillsI can play "Anon's Happy Floote" on the tin penny whistle floote.
>no goesAnyone other than qt femanons that were born with vaginas and still have 'em, that make exquisite French toast, are monogamous, have no STDs or tattoos, with immaculately clean dwellings featuring a kitchen I can make boiled peanuts and candies in to sell, and want to put me on their health insurance.
>contact infoYou'll have to stand out in front of a specified Walmart at a specified time and let me observe you via binocular for a minimum of 1 hour. I will either approach (You) or send a signal to release you back into the wild. Will need to bring a CB radio.