>plan to climb up a mountain ridge and come down on the other side>there are 2 ways down to the other side, one goes through the peak and the other one along the ridge>the trail on the other side of the peak is one-way and I would be going in the wrong direction>so I should go along the ridgeReality:
>miss the trail junction and go to the peak>ask people on the peak what to do>they say the trail I was originally planning to go is too hard for me and it's getting late, and I should go down on the other side of the peak (that's the one way trail)>climb down>the trail is almost vertical and there are chains for protection>get to the pass below>there's another mountain on my way>I had not looked ahead before descending and checked if I can make it>can't make the final 10m of the mountain>can't climb back>precipice on both sides>call mountain rescue>they can't understand cause I'm panicked and there's weak signal and it winds>yell at the people on the first peak & they call the rescue for me>get transported by a helicopterI have since made the other trail several times and I found it easier than the pass (it's much longer and still steep af but not that steep). To this day I'm scared of that pass. I'm yet to try it again.
Pic related: the pass on the left is the one. The trail then goes to the pass on the right and comes down on either side.