>>806440This didn't seem like bear behavior. I've never seen an animal run towards gunshots. We stood up and held our firearms clearly out in front of us, whatever it was would have seen that we are armed. It still didn't leave. A feeling of dread was now fully on top of everyone.
This was not a bear, although our hind brain still imagined a Grizzly charging out through the brush, we knew it was not a bear. Bears don't behave like this. We didn't know what it was, but if a true guess were forced, it would be a large, insane person who is strong enough to break large limbs as if they were a Grizzly bulldozing through the pines, and agile enough to run down a thickly forested hillside at 20 mph. It's approach from the top of the hillside where we originally heard it start coming down, to the edge of our camp was less than 20 seconds and it covered over a hundred yards in that amount of time if not slightly more.
We could have shot into the forest at it, but what if it were a person? They weren't doing anything except creeping us out. We could have built the fire up and spent all night staring into the treeline while it continued to stalk us, but that wasn't exactly the camping trip we had planned.
We had no choice but to pack our things and leave. And not during the few days after we confirmed from other people that strange things were going on up there, and it started to make more sense why we were the only one camping there.