>>1701912>You would pick an axe over a knife/shovel?Yes, I do that already. You can do more with a well-made camp axe than you can with any other tool. Well, the only other tool that may be debatable is a machete. The only thing with a machete is that you can't properly use it as a hammer. You can use both tools to make shovels, boat paddles, and a host of other things, but the hammering aspect of the camp axe takes things further. If the camp axe has a bit of a beard on it you can more easily use it for butchering, food prep, and various forms of wood carving. You just need to determine what length you want. I prefer the medium length between hatchet length and felling length.
Personally, I've packed a shovel before then realized I never need a shovel for anything. So, my nice folding trench shovel has been gathering dust for nearly 30 years now.