-Stoves, pick, you dont need 2. you can make a fire if your single stove duds out
-If you can go without the yuge knoife, a standard swiss army mini has scissors, tweezers, tooth pick, blade, file/screwdriver. Far more versitile and saves you 7oz. Cost about 7 bucks at wally world
-Take either your headlamp or your torch. Not both. Save 8oz
-Mega Nalgene, swap for 2 (1L) smart water bottles from gas station. These will thread into the sawyer filter. A flip top sports lid will work to back flush your filter. 4 bucks. save 6oz
-Saw....really m8? 10.79 OZ
grand total weight saved: something like 6 lbs just by stuff left at home and a couple cheap swaps.
spent: $40? maybe
(minor shill incoming)If you want to spend about 200-300 bucks you can save another 3-4 lbs or so by getting a pack that weighs 2lbs instead of 5 and getting a lighter hammock. MLD prophet is under 200 bucks and is an excellent choice for pack. Ula Omh 2.0 is $210, but the frame is fragile carbon fiber. Excellent pack right at 2lbs, removable hipbelt with pockets unlike MLD.