Has /out/ ever considered highpointing?
Highpointing is the activity of ascending to the point with the highest elevation within a given area (the "highpoint"). Examples include: climbing the highest point of each U.S. state; reaching the highest point of each county within a specific state; and ascending the highest mountain on each continent (the "Seven Summits"). The goal of every American highpointer should be, at minimum, to complete the formermost of those examples (that is, hike every state's highpoint).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_elevationHighpointing presents a unique opportunity for adventure. In your quest to become one of the few Americans to mark such a journey in your life checklist, you will see and experience aspects of the outdoors you otherwise never would have. And for some highpoints, you don't need to be very fit. The lowest state highpoint in the United States is Florida's. Known as Britton Hill, Florida's "highpoint" is just 345 feet at its summit. In contrast, the highest state highpoint in the United States belongs to Alaska, with a summit elevation of 20,320 feet (Mt. McKinley).