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Sup tr/out/s
As a student of philosophy (not a philosophy major), i have a task to write a codex or manifesto based on a specific group of people. Its for our class "Praxis Philosophy" (practical philosophy), basically a Mickey Mouse subject made to fill out the Bologna constitution requirements.
That being said i decided to overkill it. I approached my professor about a: "Manifest o for a group of people who participate in a politically incorrect wilderness based image board", for what ever reason he got all gitty about it, and has given me the O.K, which is strange because he is usually a dick.
Anyway, i have a green light to to say anything i say in front of my entire faculty, and present it in the third body. This can work both ways, because if /out/ wants to participate i can write it so that /out/ has its on set of rules.
My plan is to word it out, but nothing that isnt approved by at least three people of the board will go in the codex itself.
So my proposition, if /out/ wants, i can ask certain questions, take notes on the responses and write out the manifesto for all of /out/' approval. Literally anything goes as far as rules go, but it has to be wilderness orientated.
Im pitching in the dark here, so i have no idea if you guys are up for it. As far as i go, i've read H.D Thoreau,T. Hobbes, J.J Russou and A.Watts, so i have a backing of the structure that will be required. I also have a firm understanding of the history of western philosophy with emphasis on post-german idealism.
Lastly, what it shouldn't be:
>lel save the whales, nuke the japs
What it should be:
>Human nature is selfish, primitive and anti-social as shown by Rousseau, Machiavelli and Hobbes and projected in numerous cases of human alienation in the modern world.
Does /out/ want?