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Indian American here
>Be 16
>Be Indian
>Lived all my life on the reservation in Easthern Mississippi
>Dad brings me outside for me to perhaps find a part time job outside of the reservation
>Apply at McDonalds in the nearest local town
>Get hired because I'm Indian and help them fill their race ratios
>Work with this cute blonde girl
>Never had a girlfriend before, virgin and horny as fuck
>After a couple of weeks, grow some balls and invite her for a drink
>She accepts
>Go to some local bar she knows, since I know near to nothing from the town outside of the reservation
>She buys some fancy drinks, we have a good time
>Bill comes, she looks at me expecting to pay the whole $50
>Make some money at the job, so why the fuck not
>Continue to date this girl for a couple of weeks
>After about a month, have sex with her
>Always expensive locations, always paying everything
>This girl is making me blowing all of my money
>Finally run out of money
>Want to continue to date this girl because she's hot as hell
>Start taking money out of the cashier by very small amounts because I still want to afford the place she wants to go
>Isn't enough to keep up with the expenses
>Talk to my uncle about it, he says that I should dump the girl
>Tell him I can't, she's amazing and I think I'm in love
>Tells me that I could decrease my time working at McDonalds and take care of some illegal gaming facilities in the local town
>Start making some real good money
>Now able to take the girl to some amazing places
>Expand my operations in more surrounding towns
>All of my time is now spent on those illegal gaming facilities
>I'm an Indian Outlaw
>Half Cherokee and Choctaw
>My baby she's a Chikiwawa
>She's one of a kind