>>1183021As mentioned, the Silnylon ones are available in green, brown and grey also, so you can get your virgin variant. Grey is imho the most discreet color as it blends well into almost all environments.
Regarding places, I enjoyed the middle stretch of the Nordkalottleden (Kilpis to Abisko) a lot, like you're walking alone between heaven and earth (pic related). Also found some mind-blowing beautiful spots in Iceland, and with the benefit of hot springs along the way. Switzerland is a bit complicated, per see wild camping is legal, but with a lot of caveats, in the end you need to be above tree line to be on the save side. Small mountain lakes in Prättigau are my favourite spots, not to many hikers and excellent fly fishing. but then there is tons of nice places here. I also had a great time in the Assynt region of Scotland, though I suspect the locals were only so friendly to me because not English.