>>443604>>443604sure why not. I been obsessing about gear for the past four months and none of my family or friends care.
One small note: items starred yellow are only for the desert section; those starred red are only for the high Sierra.
http://lighterpack.com/r/3rpqmwHard to say how much food, water, and fuel will weigh at any given point, but I'm thinking a standard resupply will top out at around 16 lbs. (2L water @ 2lb./e, 2lb. food/day for 5days, and, say, 1lb. fuel and 1lb. whiskey) Obviously in the desert I will have to carry more water (as much as 8L worth at a time-- that's 16lbs.!) And the Sierra might necessitate the carrying of more days' food (as many as two weeks' worth; that's 28lbs.!) I also like to carry a book, but who knows what I'll be reading come April.