>>1480425I honestly haven't done the numbers - the power company sends a summary each month saying I use about 178% more power than comparable places around me. However, the building is a historical building and I know for a fact that the insulation is balls around the windows. I'm in northern 6A, and the winter here was especially bad this time, so it's really hard to tell how much is attributed to lights/pumps/fans. We also had a building-wide heating system failure which I'm sure contributed since the furnace was trying to run nonstop.
All in all, I consider it a worthwhile expenditure no matter what as we have almost completely cut out buying any kind of lettuce, greens or herbs, and drastically cut back on some other things like peppers and green onions. Tomatoes come and go, so sometimes we buy to supplement. We are planning on either renting or buying a house up here fairly soon, at which point I want to get a lot more regimented with this stuff as far as tracking expenditures vs. harvests, as well as start outdoor growing that I can't do well indoors - male/female plants like cucumbers, melons, zucchini, etc.
Pic related is my Padron pepper blooming its ass off - never had them before so looking forward to trying them. If half the flowers take then I should get a bunch.