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in case OP is still around. you really can put together a "po' mans" emergency kit. take notice that this shit will not be fun to carry around for any extended period of time.
its my opinion that knowing what your options are in a disaster/emergency scenario are more important than having a bag full of junk. It's also my opinion that it would often be safer to "bug in" and just stay at home until all is right again.
If thats not an option, know where you are going to go and how to get there. I would even suggest having multiple options of places to go and several different routes planned out to get to each (a good road/topo map, and knowing how to read them are crucial here).
always keep at least a gallon of gas handy at home. if power goes out, gas pumps dont work, and getting that +/-20 miles might save your live. always remember to replace the gas every 4-6 months, it does have a shelf life.
a cardboard box/milk crate full of canned food is always a good idea to have around.
a 3 gallon plastic water jug, again with the water replaced every few months, maybe sooner
extra clothes for all weather types. if you have a vaccuum sealer, seal them up, if not put them in a trash bag and push the air out and tape shut.
fire. you dont need to be les stroud here. just have a few brand new bic lighters and matches. keep them in a ziplock bag
I realize this isnt a BOB, its more just a list of basic supplies to have ready in case of an emergency.