>>769448>tentTents made of nylon tafetta are utter shit in the desert, and will photodegrade faster. Anything with a ripstop floor and preferrably ripstop walls (better resistance against coarse sand) and at least 6 anchoring points will do nicely. I've used my Big Agnes single person backpacking tent innadesert for years in all weather and it's served me very well.
>Any other miscellaneous tipsJust because it's hot during the day doesn't mean it won't get cold as fuck at night. Bring layers.
If using a tarp & hiking pole tent setup, fill in the gaps between the ground and the tarp with your gear/ rocks, anything you can find to better insulate while sleeping in the cold.
Check under your sleeping bag for Fence Lizards, rattlers, and other critters, they love to crawl under there in the southwest. Otherwise you'll sleep on them and have reptile guts all over your gear. This happened to a friend.
Ravens and other birds are fucking assholes. Pack your shit up tight when leaving camp for the day or they will break into it.
Don't sleep in obvious gullies and wash zones. When it rains, it pours in the desert.
Hike as the sun goes down or after dawn to conserve water if need be.
Raincovers can help diminish dust in the tent.
Keep your water inside a backpack or out of the sun during the day, makes it a lot more pleasant to drink.
Sand = death for camping stoves, keep them sealed up tight and use a windscreen.
Once you feel thirsty it already means you are dehydrated. Make sure to drink plenty of water and make obtaining it your first priority.