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Just a heads up for my fellow dixiefags, the squash vine borer seems to be active a little early this year. After my squash and zucc’s got rekt last year, I made a point to be much more diligent about controlling them. I set up pheromone traps last summer to try to reduce the adult breeding population, I ended up killing around a dozen moths. So far this year I haven’t actually seen any adults but yesterday I took a good look at my plants and found 20-30 unhatched eggs (picrelated). Since my curcubits aren't flowering yet, I gave them a generous coating of sevin dust. I’m not actually sure if carbaryl will kill the eggs, but if not, hopefully when they hatch and those fat fucking grubs try to chew into the stem the first thing they’ll get is a mouthful of insecticide.
Check your squash plants lads, the moths are out early this year.