>>2088626Really appreciate your stopping by and the solid advice - pic very related. May I ask if youre Canadian or from another country? I assume the advice will be relevant marginally even if youre from another country so i still appreciate it.
As of now i dont really mind paying an uptick in the taxes, my main concern is legally how likely is it the CRA [Canadas tax agency] finds out if none of us tattle, and if they do find out how fucked am i? I looked up the tax penalty crimes
and it seems max penalties are half to double what you schemed in fines, plus or minus two years jailtime. Am i likely to get that if found out?
So say SWIM buys land on paper for 5k - not illegal, obviously weird and fishy but not blatantly illegal. But bank account shows a wire transfer to seller on the exact same day for a few tens of thousands. So even though common sense says its obviously connected, if we both maintain that it was for other services rendered that are unrelated, is it an issue? Do they care that much?
If the only negative of doing this is im shafted with say, an extra 10k of fees when selling this, im content with that. I do wish i took your advice beforehand of course, but i got tunnel vision when i finally found a suitable property for myself and didnt want to lose the opportunity. I do concur i am a dumbass.