>>834756Got started as a Tiger, stuck with it through Eagle.
Learned a lot along the way... outdoors obviously, but also business, life, career, friendships, people, etc.
Not really one of those things I go around telling people, but when the topic comes up and someone finds out I'm an Eagle, it's typically "Cool, I didn't know that." Turns out two other coworkers are Eagles as well.
There's good troops and bad troops. Fortunately I was in a good one. Know a bunch of guys that tried it and went with not-so-good troops, and didn't stick with it long.
Cub scouts was run by the den mothers.... so arts and crafts was a big part of that, with the occasional "camping" trip (local YMCA or something, *maybe* a state park/campground).
Boy scouts was generally scout-ran, with adult guidance.
>Let's do Philmont!>but you need money>Let's do a fundraiser!>okay, here's some options>Let's do this one, here's how it's gonna happen>made it happen>did Philmont>was awesome>lol early-2000's digital cameras>pic related, from my eagle project