are any number of potentially scary situations that could happen anywhere in near to mid range future where it would be nice to have some land and independence, and be far away from major cities. Because in the event of a happening, there will be mobs of hungry people and it will be much worse in cities.
Anyway, that area is not really mountain town, I just wanted to throw my .02 in about how good of a time it is right now to buy some land, especially a little bit (or a lot) out in the country right now. There's lots of reasons but these posts are probably too long already as it is.
Bill Gates agrees with me, in my search for land in Florida I've learned that he has been snapping up a lot of farmland here in the state.
Sorry to hijack, it's just a really important topic so I wanted to throw it out there. There are a lot of smart Anons, I hope you guys are also making preparations so that you can survive what's coming and emerge afterward and repopulate.