>>1471535you tell me. just fed them both some fertilizer the other day, as evidenced by the slight nutrient burn that you may or may not be able to see in this pic. not water or heat related either, hasn't rained much lately and the weather has been mid 70s the last few weeks. i don't over/under water, just accordingly. i weigh the buckets. i have another tomato in the same substrate outback separate from these and its doing fine so I don't think its pH related. meanwhile I've been nuking my plants with pyrethrin for months trying to get these whiteflies to fuck off. I thought I got rid of them and while I've mostly managed to contain them, I obviously missed some as I see them bouncing around my leaves despite not finding any signs of them beside that. you can sort of see the lower foliage that developed before they got infected is dark green whereas the new foliage on top is mottled and curling. I'm 99% sure it's TYLCV but if anyone here wants to tell me I'm wrong I'd love to hear it.