>>2526119> a normal actually useful non-folding field knife like a glock 80> a saw if youre a bushcraft faggot, because hatchets are for fags on instagram> a razor blade like Olfa, >>2528089 milwaukee stanley>cheap 3in pocket knife, if a dull pocket knife cant cut it, then dont fucking use a pocket knife you fucking idiotknife faggotry is nigger-tier CONSOOMerism
>>2526820 related literally has a pack of newports, only thing missing is a "rare" pair of $1200 nike air jordan sneakers made in china
anybody recommending different is a (((benchmade))) (((leatherman))) shill
multitool are fucking dog shit at doing everything and literally weigh more than just carrying those specific tools that actually work
fucking medical tweezers are fractions of an ounce and they will actually pull a splinter out, those fucking leatherman mutt pliers cant pull out a cartridge case for shit and if you cant safely mortar an AR-15 faster than a ego tripping range master can spot you, something even a crayon eating USMC asvab exemption 0311 can safely do, you shouldnt own one