>>282186> I don't like to hike in mule shit and piss.For those that don't know; "The Corridor" is all camping off Bright Angel, South Kiabab and North Kaibab trails.
Bright Angel is THE main trail since 1909 give or take... this is the trail you take for a mule ride to Indian Gardens, the river, Phantom Ranch and back.
Soth Kiabab trail is the mule supply trail for Phantom Ranch. The loaded mule trains go down in the morning and return with garbage in the afternoon.
Mule trains have the right of way. If you hike with an umbrela, like I do in summer, you have to close it by command of the mule train leader.
Muh umbrella rights!
Face it 96% of people see the GC from the rim, 3% hike it and 1% helocopter/mule/raft it.
Backpacking is the way to go.
Adjacent to The Corridor id Threshold camping. There are facilities like composting toilets, due to the high use.
Better: The Backcountry.
You may pass a couple or group on the trail in or out. You may take a break and let them get ahead if going the same direction. You will be alone at your campsite. You will be surrounded bt miles and miles of rocks, fossels, shrubs and birds. Little else save lizards, snakes, insects, White Tail deer and Desert Bighorn sheep.
I love it too much. You all must go.