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>be 12
>get sent to a correctional summer camp by mistake because friends mom is ESL
> get assigned to cherokee group, cherokee camp is on the most outer edge of the entire property.
>cabins are 15'X15' with a 6' wall 3' paneless window and a roof
> bunk beds, top bed lines up perfectly with empty window
>get assigned a bunkbed, first day kids saying stuff like dont get snatched by "ridgerunner"
>about a week into camp mild rainy night
> sounds nice
> suddenly death scream howl about 20m from my bed down by the creek
> second scream from a simular direction, the both approach my cabin
> battle to the death commences
> screams and howling so terrible hear other kids in my cabin crying
> its literally right below my window, so terrified i hide in my sleeping bag.
> fight ends, hear heavy breathing/groaning under my window
> hear scratching on the side of the cabin, (oh fuck) feel weight on my legs ( FUCK FUCK FUCK)
> its impossibly heavy, couldn't move even if i wasn't frozen with fear.
> fucking head counselors truck tears into our camp
> super flood spotlights turn my cabin into a dutch brothel
>thing sitting on my bed bolts into the woods howling
>truck pursues
>whatever it was ripped my bag, and scratched my shin in its escape.
> next day none of the counselors will talk about what happened.
> find a freshly hollowed out raccoon not too far from my cabin