Quoted By:
>Go to Hale (HSR) every year since joining from Webelos.
>Do the Bohannon every year, because scoutmaster is hardcore as fuck, makes us do mile swim too.
>Map out the whole trail that wasn't marked as official, trace out all of the secondary secret squirrel trails leading from it.
>Mfw I could fucking vanish because I know that whole region like the back of my hand now.
Parallel story:
>Just turned 13, joined BS
>Be overweight pussy, utterly pathetic. Bitch and moan in strict troop, eventually leave troop and transfer to bigger, less-strict troop.
>Turn 18, make Eagle.
>Look back, really miss the old hard-line troop and realize that was real vintage.
>Realize how much of a weak cunt I was.
Boy Scouts saved me from utter NEET-dom.