>>2572913What is the purpose of a guerilla tunnels?
It is to conceal, protect, transport, arm, supply, shelter, organize, and command guerillas.
A functional guerilla base can provide guerillas with tactical cover and shelter that is safe from aerial attack or detection. It is also a place to eat and drink water, to be armed and supplied ammunition, to receive medial treatment, to receive orders, and to carry out surveillance.
The concealment of the mountains, plainclothes, and natural tree cover is enough to keep a guerilla hidden and safe from detection. To make eradication of insurgents realistically insurmountable. It is an enemy that you cannot even see or discern from the civilian population, formless and shapeless like water. In areas without tree cover or higher elevated ground, you can still build tunnels with hidden entrances. It is pretty straightforward in an open prairie.
However, a modern 21st century guerilla tunnel in the USA would have great possibilities, for the willing architects and digging enthusiasts. For one, we have power tools and digging equipment, making the digging process much faster using gasoline and electricity. We have cheap solar panels finally, batteries, advanced rifles, water purification, smartphones and laptops, camping gear.
The basic principle is still the same, and it still works, but we can build even better tunnels now. High tech tunnels, cozy tunnels, American tunnels for American guerillas.