>>1618064>>1618072>>1618101Brew is brewing, lets go.
Okay, so for this trip we are staying at a hostel. Nice little farmhouse. Comes up later.
All the troubles here started out before we went away.
>Groups getting ready at the team room>"And finally you will have to cook a meal one night, plan it out amongst yourselves">Teams gather>Talking amongst ourselves>Designated leader asks "Sooo... What do we cook">Im not confident so take a step back>Various looks then someone suggests "What about readymeals or something?">Oh gods no>I interject>'How about stew?'>Everyone stares at me>Lay the groundwork for this idea, everyone agrees>We purchase ingredients with our allowance>Go through the basics with everyoneFast forward a couple of days
>Arrive at the hostel>Im no snob but best friend from childhood is a chef>Go to inspect kitchen>The term that comes to mind is 'satans asshole'>Literally in the case of the oven>No food I consume is being cooked in here>Spend 2 hours whilst everyone else is relaxing scrubbing the place down with industry-grade chemicals>Check the equipment>All knives are blunt>This is apparently so 'troubled youths' dont do anything bad with themFast forward again, 2 more days
>We just got back from the hike>Tired, just want to rest>Collapse on bed with book (Ice Cold in Alex, a good read, do recommend)>Team Leader emerges!>"Well team you need to get cooking now or teas going to be late">Team assembles in kitchen>By now knives have been sharpened by yours truly, on a piece of slate>Been told to blunt them back down ASAP>Get team to do a scrubdown>Get ingredients+gear out>At this point I decide to do the obvious>Establish chain of command>Take head chef role (cos I know the recipe), assign milbro (who seemed to understand the concept of cooking) Sou Chef, etc>Instant protests>"You cant do this, you cant make yourself in charge, etc">Fuck itcont