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>Be 2017
>17 year old me and troop had a small expaditon to Iceland
>little bit of site seeing but mostly urban, hot spring, and glasher hiking.
>3 months before hand got word ther was going to be a scotish unit at the same came as us
>the leaders organize a unit and unit meet and greet
>me and my best bro start chating with a half dosen of them same age as us
>talking about scouting stuff and culture ect
>we both get invited to the girls room to play cards agenst humanity
>I proceed to kick all their asses because edgy 4chaner
>we all hang out together the rest of the week every night
>when we leave we get their contacts
>still talk with 3 of them on a regular basis to this day
>could get a date when im over there with 3 of them essly
We also made Boys Life like 2 years ago because of our trip
Church at the scout camp there