>>2015229It still can be bro. I go all the time either by myself or with my best bro. Fuck all that tallest this and biggest that. Guess we'd consider ourselves more alpinists or alpine climbers, mostly do multi pitch mixed routes which are all over the US, just no one's heard of them. I do it for the sense of adventure and exploration. Alpine environments are one of the last remaining wild places to explore and test ourselves against in a primal way. No ego here. Take few pictures if any, don't do social media at all.
Pic related, did a double summit of Mt. Bierstadt and Mt. Baker via the sawtooth two weeks ago (consolation climb after having to abort my winter summit of Captiol Peak). Wind-chill got down around -30 but the weather bwas beautiful!
Oh one last thing. If there's one resource I can't recommend enough, pick up a copy of Freedom of the Hills. The most useful book you may ever buy.