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Only once when winter hiking
>go on a winter hike in UP
>super nice for the season
>trails are clearly marked and tread on
>after a few days markers start getting less frequent until they completely disappear
>large snowfall during the night
>think I'm going the right way but notice that the brush is getting far too thick
>I have a compass and a general Idea of where I am
>only thirty miles north of me is lake superior
>start trekking north
>snow shoes help but snow is getting really deep at this point
>start to think im not going to make it during the night
>can't sleep clutching my rifle, every sound was a starving wolf
>keep walking until I hit a completely strait patch of deforested trees
>realize it's a snowmobile trail
>whip out my map and find the snowmobile trail and walk until I find my marker
>I was about 5 miles from the lake
>walk until I see a sled
>wave him down and ask for a lift
>get a ride to a nearby bar
>drink eat and tell my tale to the locals
>some dude offers me a ride back to my truck
>get dropped off at the trailhead by the nice boomer
Not survivor man tier but it's the most lost I've been.