>>1100736I'm on the fence with fall-winter cuttings. I do it in the spring just before the buds open up. That way I know 100% the cutting is viable. The mulberry tree and concord grape cuttings I took this past spring are now all about 4 feet long/tall. Next spring, I'll dig them up and plant them in their final locations. Then take cuttings from other trees in the orchard and repeat the process. (old pic of Mulberry cutting from last month; it is a sapling now.)
That being said, I know a guy who does fall cuttings and succeeds well with them. We both live in a Zone 5a area, but the winters have been really wonky and warm. Though, random spring killing frosts do occur. That is my main concern. Things bud out then get killed back, ruining fall-planted cuttings and entire crops for the season.