>>875905Channel cats?
Idk about trot lines, but for channel cats it's bretty simple. Chicken liver, nightcrawlers, dead baitfish will all work. Stick em on whatever hook and get it out to the bottom. If you don't get any bites within 10 or 15 minutes, change spots until you find em.
If you plan on using commercial bait, stay away from the dough bait. It sucks. Dip bait (or punch bait) works so much better. Pic related. Find the hooks or rigd for dip bait and coat those fuckers with the stuff. I normally get the ones with the treble hooks that have a sponge over them and then a foam or rubber tube right above the hook. I will put a stick in the end of the tube, jam it into the jar, swirl it around until it's coated, and then pull it out by the line. That way you don't have to even touch the bait. Trying to form those dough balls is awful and your hands will smell for days.