"What is significant is that when you live in the woods, rather than just
visiting them, the beauty becomes a part of your life rather than something you just look at from
the outside... In living close to nature, one discovers that happiness does not consist in maximizing pleasure.
It consists in tranquility. Once you have enjoyed tranquility long enough, you acquire actually
an aversion to the thought of any very strong pleasure—excessive pleasure would disrupt your
tranquility....Finally, one learns that boredom is a disease of civilization. It seems to me that what boredom
mostly is is that people have to keep themselves entertained or occupied, because if they aren’t,
then certain anxieties, frustrations, discontents, and so forth, start coming to the surface, and it
makes them uncomfortable. Boredom is almost nonexistent once you’ve become adapted to life
in the woods."
--Ted Kaczynski, Interview with the Blackfoot Valley Dispatch Newspaper, 01/24/01