>>1970908They work. There are a shitload of designs on the internet and most work pretty well, just get a good seal with muffler tape on whatever you're building. Fuel matters far more than the stove itself.
The cheapest, most dilute meth you can get at home depot which is what's in the bottle in the back weighs as much as an empty gas canister, boils about 2.5L of water. You decide if that's worth to you or not. Heavier alcohols burn, of course, hotter and faster.
>>1970949>Why yes when you combine an old Pepsi can and a penny it turns into a $100 adventure stove. this but unironically
>>1970965The ones with a priming pan are a matter of time before you fumble yourself into early self immolation. Look into ones with an open reservoir in the middle, pour fuel in, light, wait for the fire.