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/out/ please help.
I'm starting to worry about my babies. You probably saw them in previous threads but I'm talking about the bottom and middle left and right 4 plants. Roma Tomato, Basil, and Ghost Pepper and Carolina Reaper plants.
The Roma Tomato is the most prominent one and the Basil, Carolina Reaper, Ghost Pepper have grown true leaves so I decided to get them used to the Sun. They were started from seed in my office so today I moved them to the roof for 3 hours (Zone 10a, Southern California, 3-6 PM not during major, direct Sun but as it was less harmful) then brought them back inside to the office. The wind may have damaged the Roma Tomato or it may need additional care as the leaves seem to be turning yellow (look at the cotelydon [seed leaves] and some upper true leaves). What can I do? Is it safe to put it in its final big planter along with the basil (its wind protected and gets some Sun from 7am-12pm) or should I still baby it? Other alternatives are to start using Miracle Gro 16-16-16 fertiliser right now but I don't know if that is too strong.
The plan is to have each tomato plant 2x and pepper plant (also) 2x in their own containers with a basil companion plant. Obviously, the roma tomato and most mature basil plant need to be the first to go into the planter. The 2nd basil popped up over the weekend, I may have seen the 3rd rising above the soil in the evening, and the 4th still needs to sprout.