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Pepper spray is pretty effective on humans anyway. One time these punks were harassing this homeless man when i got off a transit train. It was after some fireworks and it was packed solid and it was summer. The trains were running slow so the train just sat there with the vent windows open. Anyhow both the punks were totally unable to do anything after being sprayed despite wanting to pursue the guy that sprayed them. Meanwhile the spray wafted through the air and drifted into the train which was packed solid while the doors were now locked as the train was waiting to depart. People start freaking out and banging on the doors and screaming. I just stand there watching this scene unfold and nope and turn and walk up the stairs with the plaintiff wails heralding my departure. Many shuvs and zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the slor that day i tell you.