>>2749222Trips and ye shall receive. Everyday is pretty much the same now so I haven’t been doing as much with him. Mostly been getting the other birds moved around while he eats drinks shits and peeps at me. Floor rotted out of the coop so I knocked down the walls and have to clean the mess up, get some better flooring and start over. The chickens are all in the run now except this years baby chicks which live in the greenhouse at night and I move them around the yard during the day. I’ve got four roosters I need to get rid of occupying my chicken tractor and once they’re gone the new chickens can take over and Rudy will take over the greenhouse which I’ll surround with a duck area and use the stock tank for him. He’s still pretty standoffish and I take that as a good sign I’ll be able to release him someday. Sorry they’re so dark I’m letting him rest.