>>94535Wrong guy.
You may not know this, but there are several different people on the internet.
>1. misanthropist - someone who dislikes people in generalmisanthropist - someone who dislikes people in generalmisanthrope
misanthrope [ˈmJzənˌθrəʊp], misanthropist [mJˈzænθrəpJst]
a person who dislikes or distrusts other people or mankind in general
[from Greek mīsanthrōpos, from misos hatred + anthrōpos man]
misanthropic [ˌmJzənˈθrɒpJk], misanthropical adj
misanthropically adv
misanthropy [mJˈzænθrəpJ] n
Now stop being an ignorant, know-it-all, bossy, cunt on the internet