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I know its a meme but something else to consider is a 'bikepacking' style bike. I come from a road touring background and always had disdain for the whole bike touring re-invented shit that bikepacking promotes and have never really given it much time.
That was until I went on a group ride with a bunch of guys with bikepacking setups while I was riding with two front panniers and a small seatpack, I lasted 3 days before sending my panniers, front rack and another 5 kilos of gear home. After that the ride was far more enjoyable, the lighter you can get your kit and the more luxuries you go without the more fun you end up having in my experience, I finished that trip with only 25 litres of luggage space and loved every second of it.
I understand that bikepacking bags are not as durable as a rack and pannier for long extended tours but it is definitely something to consider if your interested in heading off road and riding some trails.