>>928153I'm guessing your concern is that someone might assume you're up to no good and call authorities on you?
I've been homeless/traveling for many years and only had this happen a couple times. Personally I'd rather get strange looks and have to talk to police occasionally than wear clothes or gear that I wouldn't normally use. I have always used surplus or milspec gear (pic related, current pack) because it's substantially more durable for my needs - I don't want some ultralight REI pack that could rip apart from simply walking through the brush. I need something that I can live out of for years at a time. As for clothing I keep full camo because I often need to remain unseen. Society doesn't like the homeless, even when we're staying out of the way of normal folks.
I think the same goes for 'preppers'. If you're training for a SHTF situation then you would most likely be using military gear and clothing. Some people believe it's better to use civilian gear to keep a lower profile but I'd rather just stay out of sight as much as possible. If the only reason you want milspec gear is because you're one of those call-of-duty-playing types and you just think it looks cool but have no intention of training for a grueling real-world scenario then I'd say you'd be giving the rest of us a bad name.