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I posted in a different thread but this one is relevant too so :
It's hazy at best but I'll try and remember what I can
>Be 11
>Best friend also 11
>Riding horse on trails, good quiet, level-headed animal
> it's around noon-3 pm late summer/fall
>sun is beginning to set
>She's on horse, I'm walking, taking turns. Horse wasn't very big so we didn't want to tire him out
>On straight stretch of gravel road, can see probably 4-5 km in the distance
>road goes up a little hill
>suddenly horse stops, ears forward, snorting
>'warning sign' to all you non-horse people
>ask her what's wrong, she is staring ahead
>look and don't see anything
>horse is now up in the air, trying to turn around and bolt
>she is fighting him to stay still ( mind you, this was a very easy going horse, who didn't do this sort of stuff)
>look ahead again
>see HUGE black thing on the hill
>Must've been at least 3 m tall, and wide, with no apparent shape walking across the road
>stare in terror
>suddenly black thing :"turns"
>I can't describe the shriek of horror my horse makes
>i jump on horse and we gallop home as fast as we could
>can hear sounds in the woods as we gallop through
>still terrified of that one stretch of road