>>361720mine all together should come in just under 2k with engine and everything included but i was pretty early to join the kikstarter etc
>>361724they said something about making them into retail sometime soon im not a fan of the look too much myself though i will hopefully be customizing mine myself ( atleast fishing rod holders and maybe a small back rack maybe a light )
>>361727it may be quite a while right after parts and junk came in grandpa ended up in the hospital so i have been spending most of my time with him in rehab or whatever
>>361753i think they were considering selling them with a 50 cc fully auto motor
>>361791look into your local laws it all depends on engine size and seat height usially
im personally not regestering mine because im using a larger motor ( only 125) and that would mean i would have to get a headlight etc and classify it as a scooter
it should be available wherever but check your local laws and your wallet
if anyone has any questions id be glad to answer