>>661547>>661394YOU CAN'T DO THAT
you can only use bows that are premium made nothing else will work it has to be like this u can't make a bow on your own of any kind it is unheared of u'd die of starvation and is why we all know ur lying i have a bowtech experience bow in pic set to 70 POUNDS i so i can kill anything anywhere it even went into a car door no homemade stick shit is ever gonna beat that i bet u can't draw that much ur a fat fuck who can't lift arms u won't be able to make vegtable string holy fuck what even is vegtable string something ur mamas tampon is used for u gonna make a carrot vegtable string and fire ur twig bow and ur dildo arrows and it will snap in too and bounce right off that big prison bear whosegonna rape ur hippei ass stupid twig bow meet me sumwhere and i show u what a real bow is like i'll beat anything ur scrawny ass can make kid meet me sumwhere and i show u what it is like 2 be a man in the woods kid meet me sumwhere god damn it