>>2713072I enjoyed it thoroughly. Got to do lots of stuff I wouldn't have otherwise gotten a chance to do. I did backpacking, sailing, wilderness survival, fucking welding, all sorts of stuff. My Troop went camping once a month and did summer camp every year.
What the other anon said about it being a daycare for retarded kids is kind of true. My troop was half kids who wanted to be there and were normal. One quarter was the terminally online anime/vidya kids whose parents forced them to do it. The other quarter was autistic kids and other flavors of retards. My troop leader realized what a drag a lot of the kids were and that a lot of parents were using it as cheap babysitting and created camp outs where you had to be minimum a first class scout rank and that effectively filtered people and those were the best camp outs.
My favorite memory is when I was 16 my buddies and I snuck out of the summer camp. Evading the adults and camp staff and walked 5 miles into town to get a homeless guy to buy us alcohol from the grocery store. Then we walked back and got drunk in our tent while playing cards against humanity.
My troops philosophy was being "boy led" meaning the adult leaders gave us max responsibility for planning events and doing everything we were supposed to on out campouts. They were mostly there for guidance and to make sure we didn't hurt ourselves. The hands off approach wasn't the best for my rank advancement but holy fuck the camp outs were so much fun. Scouting peaked when I was a senior scout (age 15-17ish) doing /out/ shit during the day, playing manhunt and capture the flag in the evening, and sneaking out to get alc and cigs with the boys in the night. So much fun.