>>1695342After the white water cleared and we could get some visibility on them we saw one had lost his board and was floating around in the current and the other (a girl) had a broken board that she was clinging to. We bit the bullet and paddled to them, they were completely fucked, bleeding cuts all over their body from getting dragged over the reef, the girl was crying saying she had thought she would drown and absolutely panicked, the guy swimming with his last strength, already swallowing water. One aussie guy paddled to the guy, let him on his board, and let the foam push him and the guy on the shore to get him out asap, getting several cuts on his body and board, basically wrestling the guy on the beach because hes completely given up. I tell the girl to hold to her half of her board and to my leash and to kick with her feet and then i dragged her out of the current and took her to shore safely.
Those two fucking idiots could have gotten into so much more trouble than they already had. Even so, their cuts were pretty severe, because they had a lot of them and a lot of skin missing.
Turns out it was boyfriend who convinced girlfriend to go surfing on this secret spot saying he would guide her.
Pic. is similar conditions and similar kind of wave that we were surfing that day